Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Laotian Stars!

Oukham Saengpraseuth asked:
You see so many Chinese stars, Japanese stars..etc in movies, music, art, but do you ever see any Laotian stars??

Ashley Phimmasone wrote:
There's a music group called OVERDANCE. They're mainly R&B and they're Laotians. They're quite popular in Laos and Thailand.
I think they're good.

Overdance - Mr. Hinsom

Anna Sypraseuth wrote:
I have definetely heard about Willy Denzey in France and his first song made a hit! "Le mur du son" is "bouning" as he sings it. You should get it... Check this out too:

Mynoi Mee Keonakhone wrote:
does the Souphanousinphone family from King of Hill count? hahhahahah
or how about Alexandra Bounxouei? I don't know how famous she is but she's cute! I think I just have a thing for mixed girls :D

Alexandra Bounxouei - Sao Lao, Bao Thai

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